Beautiful. I enjoyed watching the fold and it is a nice model for Christmas. I would love to find translucent paper like this , especially in colours. I will have to see if I can order on line. Is there a special name for it? I have used Tant but it isn't translucent. Thank you for sharing.
すてき ですよ😍
Beautiful. I enjoyed watching the fold and it is a nice model for Christmas. I would love to find translucent paper like this , especially in colours. I will have to see if I can order on line. Is there a special name for it? I have used Tant but it isn't translucent. Thank you for sharing.
Muito lindo
You can buy it on the internet.
のだぽんと申します。今年 も季節物折で動画確認しました。最初自分で折り方メモ作ってましたが、きちんと書いてなかったせいか、再び見たら良くわからない😅。やっぱり動画検索の方が早くて簡単🎶。また季節ごとおじゃましますね🎵。よろしくお願いいたしますでしでしv(・∀・*)。